Lumbar cartilage removal
![الغضروف القطني](استسقاء-المخ-min-2.png)
Lumbar cartilage removal
It is one of the latest surgical procedures used by Dr. Islam Al-Ajhouri to remove the lumbar cartilage instead of the traditional surgery in which a surgical incision is made in the skin in the area of the affected vertebrae.
Lumbar chondroprotective symptoms
- Lower back pain and foot pain, especially when walking.
- Pressure on the spinal nerves flowing from the lateral canal of the bone.
- Pressure on the spinal nerves flowing from the lateral canal of the bone.
- Inability to control urine as a result of cartilage pressure on the nerves that feed the bladder.
Dr. Islam Al-Ajhouri is one of the best consultants in neurosurgery, as he uses a nerve mapping device inside operations to reduce side effects after the operation.
We use the endoscope, which is one of the best techniques in cartilage removal through small plastic surgeries.