Spine surgeries

vertebral column
The spine has a solid structure and mobility, and any spinal injury leads to disorders that reduce the quality of life of a person to a large extent by restricting repetitive movements in daily life and the constant pain that he will sufferWhat are spine surgeries?
Spine surgeries consist of dealing with disorders of the spine, vertebrae and spinal cord, and spine surgeries require high accuracy, and the specialty of the treating surgeon is brain, neurosurgery and spine surgery, and includes a number of various procedures aimed at relieving symptoms resulting from pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots. Goals of spine surgery Depending on the condition the surgeon is treating, the immediate goals of the surgery can be categorized into one of the following categories: Decompressing the vertebrae, aiming to stabilize the spine, and a combination of both, decompressing the nerve structures, and stabilizing the spinal segments. Our goal is to reduce pain and increase functionality for patients.Types of spine surgeries offered by Dr. Islam Al-Ajhouri
Herniated discs
Herniated discs are defined as consisting of a protrusion of the cartilaginous discs located between the vertebrae that make up the spine, and this results in frictions arising between the vertebrae and causing pressure on the nerves of the spinal cord, but surgery is resorted to, and the repair of herniated discs is divided into In simple cases, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs are used, and physical therapy exercises are used to strengthen the back muscles. advanced cases It is divided into a herniated disc only without the vertebrae shifting, and the treatment is done by excision of the herniated disc with a microscope. The whole or partial excision of the herniated disc is done. With a herniated disc with vertebrae shifting or spine roughness, this is done through surgical intervention to stabilize and fuse the vertebraeLumbar discectomy:
Located The lumbar cartilage is in the lower back, and the lumbar cartilage is removed when there is severe pain in the lower back, and the pain extends to the base of the buttocks and the legs, and causes numbness in the lower extremities. The condition is diagnosed using x-rays, magnetic resonance, and CT scans. This operation is performed using modern techniques used by Dr. Islam Al-Ajhouri. of wounds in the patient’s body and leave less scars and allow for faster recovery, and we remove the lumbar cartilage through precise surgeries using the latest technology such as a surgical microscopeCervical discectomy:
Cervical herniated disc is the second most common type of herniated disc. It is located in the neck area, and cervical cartilage is removed when stiffness and stiffness of the neck muscles occurs, limited range of motion, and pain similar to electric stinging in the lower shoulder area. The diagnosis is made by Dr. X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging, and CT scans. The operation is done by removing part of the cartilage in the cervical vertebrae using a surgical microscope and a surgical navigator device, which is one of the latest medical techniques in neurosurgery used by Dr. Islam Al-Aghori.Vertebrae fixation or fusion of vertebrae
The process of vertebrae fixation or fusion of the vertebrae works on the basis of stabilizing two of the vertebrae of the targeted spine that cause pain to reduce pressure on the nerves, and it is done by adding bone grafts between the vertebrae that will be fused or fixed, and works to stabilize the vertebrae and make them one piece immovable, and this happens With cases that suffer from herniated discs with vertebrae shifting, the process of fixing the vertebrae works to limit movement and does not cause movement impairment as some think. The process of fixing the vertebrae varies into:Fixation of the lumbar spine:
The process of stabilizing the lumbar vertebrae with Prof. Dr. Islam Al-Ajhouri is done by placing a bony material or a material similar to natural bone in the space separating the vertebrae to be fixed. The fixation is done by implanting plates, screws, and cages that are biocompatible with the body to protect the bone grafts until they heal and are achieved. Stability and constancy in the movement of the spine until the fusion and recovery after the lumbar spine fixation operation.
Fixation of the cervical vertebrae:
It is the process of fixing the cervical vertebrae by adding bone grafts to the vertebrae to be fixed, and these grafts are self-grafts, either from the person himself or from another person, or they are artificial and occur as a result of spine weakness and instability due to inflammation of the vertebrae and joints. All spine fixation operations depend on experience and technology used in treatment, so what distinguishes Dr. Islam Al-Ajhouri and makes him the best spine consultant is that he combines experience and modern technology and also has the highest success rate of surgeries.Percutaneous fixation of the lumbar spine:
It is a minimally invasive surgery that is done byA small opening in the skin and expansion of the muscles using the latest surgical techniques such as a surgical microscope, in which the vertebrae are stabilized through small openings or wounds, unlike traditional operations. There is no large opening, but the use of openings of less than 1 cm to insert screws and install them in the vertebrae. There is no large opening, but the use of holes less than 1 cm to insert screws and install them in the vertebrae. Prof. Dr. Islam Al-Ajhouri uses a visible x-ray device that enables us to see the screws during their installation, and thus the accuracy of the installation and fixation is better than the traditional method. This method is considered a breakthrough in the field of spine surgeries, and the success rate of such a method is more than 95%.Expansion of the neural canal
The patient suffers from narrowing in the widening of the neural canal that contains the spinal cord, nerve roots, and peripheral nerves that supply the body due to the shrinkage of the back cartilage. Diagnosis of the condition through X-rays of the vertebrae, CT scans of the vertebrae, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine, and The spinal canal is expanded endoscopically. And the narrowing of the spinal canal arises along more than one vertebra, so laparoscopic treatment is the best solution to avoid exposure to a large surgical incision, in addition to that the endoscope has a greater ability to treat stenosis with high accuracy and with the fewest possible complications, so Dr. In this field, it is the surgical endoscope. One of the advantages of this method is that it works to expand the neural canal without affecting the tissues.Post-surgery instructions
- Avoid physical activity that causes stress to the body
- Avoid sitting for more than 30 minutes in the same position.
- Avoid bending or lifting heavy things.
- The wound site should remain dry and showers should be avoided for at least 4 days after the operation, so that water does not reach the wound.
- Take the medications prescribed by the doctor.
- Follow the doctor’s instructions after spine surgeries.
When should you contact a doctor after spine surgery?
- If the pain continues exaggerated.
- If it affects movement.
- In case of high temperature.
- Lack of feeling in the extremities.