
Brain and nerve diseases

امراض المخ والاعصاب

Nerves are the sensory and motor transmitters in the human body as a whole, and perhaps the most important of these basic areas is the center located behind the spine in the human body, which contains the spinal cord. It requires speed, accuracy and experience.

Brain and nerve diseases

The nature of nerve diseases is relatively different, as they are basically an obstacle to movement or a cause of pain, numbness, and the inability to move most of the time, but! Are there types of nerves? Yes, there are many types of nerves in the human body, including:
Motor nerves
Sensory nerves
autonomic nerves
cranial nerves
spinal nerves

brain attack

A stroke occurs due to a sudden defect in the blood supply to the brain, often due to a sudden blockage or explosion of one of the brain arteries. The symptoms are characterized by numbness or weakness of the arm or leg, especially on one side of the body. In the brain through blood tests to determine the levels of cholesterol in the blood or through a CT scan, MRI scan or swallowing test.

Brain bleeding

Inside the brain is usually caused by a chronic increase in blood pressure, where the blood supply to the brain tissues is cut off, and if it is cut off for more than four to six minutes, the brain tissue may die and lose its function, and cerebral bleeding occurs between the brain and one of the membranes. Difficulty in writing and reading and loss of balance. Prof. Dr. Islam Al-Ajhouri diagnoses through vascular imaging and magnetic resonance imaging. Surgical intervention is performed to get rid of the blood clot or the cause of bleeding (tumor or arteriovenous malformation) to reduce the continuation of bleeding.


It is the most common type of stroke and occurs when the blood vessels that supply the brain with blood narrow and cause a severe decrease in the rate of blood flow due to blockage of the blood vessels as a result of the accumulation of fatty tissue in them or sediments that circulate in the bloodstream, and their source is the heart.


Neuritis is a pathological condition that targets a specific nerve or a group of nerves, and symptoms vary according to the type and function of the nerve. Nerves are divided into sensory nerves, motor nerves, and mixed nerves, while each category is characterized by different nerve inflammation.

Trigeminal neuralgia

The fifth nerve is a motor sensory nerve called the trigeminal nerve. It is the most complex of the brain nerves. Its main role is to transmit sensory information from the head and face to the brain.
Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic condition when the nerve is exposed to pressure or irritation, and severe pain results from stroke, tumors, and neurological diseases of multiple sclerosis. Symptoms of trigeminal neuritis include bouts of severe, fiery, or tingling pain that may resemble an electric shock. Treatment is with medication, and if it does not work We will resort to surgical intervention decompression of blood vessels affecting the nerve or partial neurectomy to relieve pain.

Seventh nerve infection

The seventh nerve is the main nerve that controls facial muscles and their movement. Inflammation of the seventh nerve may lead to the inability to smile, difficulty moving the mouth, or pain or discomfort when touching the face. The diagnosis is made by conducting tests of hearing, balance, taste, and saliva secretion. Medicines and physical therapy are used, and if it does not lead to a response

Auditory neuritis

It is the eighth nerve, and inflammation of the auditory nerve is called vestibular neuritis. It is a disease that occurs in the inner ear and is responsible for balancing and transmitting signals and information from the inner ear to the brain. Fluctuation in the speaking voice Feeling of tinnitus or fluid coming out of the ear and chronic ear pain The strength of the objects varies according to the stage of the disease The diagnosis is made to ensure that there is no tumor in the auditory nerve through laboratory tests or visualization procedures It usually takes several weeks and treatment is through medication And antibiotics

Parkinson's disease

A neurological disease that affects the dopamine-producing neurons in a specific area of ​​the brain, which leads to a complex set of symptoms, including involuntary tremor, slow movement, balance problems, and loss of the sense of smell. There is no specific test to diagnose Parkinson’s disease. However, medications can be used to reduce symptoms, and if it is in late stages, we may resort to surgical intervention with magnetic stimulation of the brain

Epilepsy surgery

It is a neurological disorder in the brain and causes frequent convulsions as a result of irregular and excessive shipments of neurons. There are different types and degrees of epilepsy. The causes of epilepsy may be hereditary or due to brain injuries or tumors or strokes. Epilepsy can be distinguished by a strong shiver in the body that has convulsions. In the extremities, staring into space for a long time, and loss of consciousness. There are two ways to treat epilepsy: either medicinally or through epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy surgeries are divided into deep brain stimulation, vagus nerve stimulation, or using thermal frequency. Dr. Islam Al-Ajhouri performs these operations with the highest level of accuracy.

Surgery for depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder

A mood disorder that causes a continuous feeling of sadness and a loss of pleasure for a period of more than two weeks and occurs due to changes in brain chemistry that have an important role in the mood of the individual, and its imbalance is one of the possible causes of depression or because of heredity. Deep brain stimulation is used in some cases to treat severe depression It has not responded to other treatments and works by sending small electrical currents to the brain

Movement disorder diseases

It is a neurological disorder in the brain and causes frequent convulsions as a result of irregular and excessive shipments of neurons. There are different types and degrees of epilepsy. The causes of epilepsy may be hereditary or due to brain injuries or tumors or strokes. Epilepsy can be distinguished by a strong shiver in the body that has convulsions. In the extremities, staring into space for a long time, and loss of consciousness. There are two ways to treat epilepsy: either medicinally or through epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy surgeries are divided into deep brain stimulation, vagus nerve stimulation, or using thermal frequency. Dr. Islam Al-Ajhouri performs these operations with the highest level of accuracy.

Multiple sclerosis

A chronic neurological disease that affects the central nervous system and affects the brain and spinal cord, and causes multiple sclerosis to damage the membrane surrounding nerve cells, causing muscle spasm, blurred vision or difficulty speaking and making a decision, and it is diagnosed by withdrawing a sample of spinal fluid to detect any changes Abnormal and using magnetic resonance imaging of the brain or a test measuring nerve impulses helps early treatment to reduce the exacerbation of symptoms.

muscle dystonia

It is a movement disorder that causes muscles to contract involuntarily. It leads to repetitive movements, and the effect on the body varies according to the type of muscle tension. Muscle contractions may range from mild to severe. There is no definitive treatment for muscle dystonia, but there are ways to help relieve symptoms by using medications. The patient may not respond, and we resort to surgical intervention, where electrical stimulation is used. For some nuclei inside the brain and works to regulate the work of the nerves

When is it necessary to consult a doctor of brain and nerves?

It is necessary to consult a doctor in some cases that are related to nerve problems immediately, and these cases include the following: Multiple sclerosis Permanent headache Neuropathic pain, which is abnormal pain such as numbness in the toes or arm.” Dizziness and unsteadiness Temporary loss of consciousness and epileptic seizures Memory loss, and damage to higher brain functions Loss of balance, imbalance, and falls while walking or walking unbalanced Tremors, nervous convulsions, loss of strength.

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